More prayers, please


As some of you know from FF, last Sept. my Mom was in the hospital with low blood platelet count. After they got the platelet count back up, Dr. released Mom to a Nursing Home, for re-hab ("so she doesn't fall" the Doc says.) . About 4 hours or so after getting there, she fell & broke a hip. (due to negligence of the staff not reading the papers to know she had Alzheimer, or not passing it on to the next shift, we don't know which.)
The broken hip, surgery, etc, really set her back, mentally and physically. She has now fully given up, and will not eat. Her body has quit making blood, so she is back in the hospital yesterday from a fever and low blood again, so they give her another 2 units of blood. Talking with my brother and 3 sisters, we have decided to let nature take it's course, keep her as comfortable as possible, and follow her Living Will.
The Doc has given her about 2 weeks, but the Hospice nurse told my wife today she thinks maybe half that. (Only God knows, and she will only go when He is ready.) She will come back to the assisted living facility 3 miles down the road from us, with 24 hour Hospice care, tomorrow.
American Woman, aka Cory, my wife, has really been an angel taking care of Mom these last months. I could not have taken care of her without Cory, and would have probably gone to pieces my self with-out her support several times. I think this is going to be harder for Cory than it will be for me.
Your prayers for Moms comfort, and Cory, would be greatly appreciated.
You two got it. I'm afraid I'm looking down a similar road myself with Jan my wife. Good luck, God Bless, you two definetly are some fine people.:tiphat::tiphat::tiphat::tiphat::tiphat:
You got it Larry & Cory. And you to John & Jan. Altimeters is such a horrible disease. I feel for both of your guys families. Best wishes.
Sorry to hear that Larry. I know it's tough ... but like you said she is no longer in pain, she's in a better place. :thumb:
Sorry to hear that Larry. I know it's tough ... but like you said she is no longer in pain, she's in a better place. :thumb:


I have not been around lately, but I am back. My positive thoughts to you and yours, and my :respect: to all those saints who personally care for those suffering from the various forms of dementia. Jay
Larry and Cory, I never know what to say at times like this. I can say my heart goes out to you guys and the kids. I guess a couple things I always think to myself when bad times hit is, "It will get better", and, "Even though I don't know why, someone else does". Life goes on, and this is part of life, no matter how much it hurts. I only wish I could ease the pain a bit.
Take one step at a time for awhile, and things will work out.
I am so sorry to hear this. It sure brings back memories. Older women can really go down fast after a broken hip. Mom lasted about 4 weeks. Y'all are in my prayers.
hugs, Brandi