Mahindra ML-108 loader question

Larry S

New member
I have a Mahindra ML-108 loader on a 2810 tractor. The support used to remove the front end loader is missing. They want $135 for a replacement. Does anyone have the measurements of this so I can make one? It can't cost that much to make one. Also a picture would be appreciated. The tractor is now in the shop having a rear axle grease seal replaced. 192 hours on tractor. I hope this is not typical for this tractor.
My 2810HST has a slightly different loader, the 108H. I'll bet there isn't much difference & you can get it done. I'll try to get pics & dimensions this weekend.
1-15/16" diameter tube, 30" long, 2-1/2"x4-1/2" base plate.
Sorry for the poor picture.


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