Kelley Backhoe


Well-known member
I'm going to look at Kelley Backhoe that has been stored 10+ years. The owner said it fits a Cat 0 or a Cat 1 tractor. No hydraulic tank or pump, just fed from the tractor. I would assume it would be a B15 model. Anyone know what I'm going to look at? Keep in mind I have a TC18 New Holland, so if it fits a Cat 0, surely it would not be too heavy for my TC18.
Cat 0?

If it's smaller than my BH I think you are getting down into the limited-usability range.

Mine is just big enough to dig trenches in a # pattern for removing a tree. With a foot less reach, I would have to park right on the tree to reach beyond it.

This one is 6.5 ft max depth, 7.5 ft reach. Said to be 750 lbs (unverified); that sounds about right. It is a good match, in fact it is the exact model sold under the Yanmar trademark for my tractor. (but was actually made by an American firm for several brands). This might give you some idea what size belongs on your tractor.

Here are some old threads with photos.
Yeah California, I saw your pics before, sweet deal you got. All I know is the owner said it could hook up to a Cat 0 or a Cat 1. The new Kelley economy compact unit is a B600 or B602. And it weighs about 560 lbs. I'm hoping this one is about the same. It only has a 3" sq boom, so I know it is lightweight, but for what I want, it may be ideal.
Yeah California, I saw your pics before, sweet deal you got. All I know is the owner said it could hook up to a Cat 0 or a Cat 1. The new Kelley economy compact unit is a B600 or B602. And it weighs about 560 lbs. I'm hoping this one is about the same. It only has a 3" sq boom, so I know it is lightweight, but for what I want, it may be ideal.

Well...I think you will be buying the optional pump...:rolleyes:
Now I'm finding models like B10, B15, B20.....etc. I'll just have to go see what it is next week when he gets back from vacation.
But it's not a B600, so unless the specs for a 10+ year old hoe is the same......

Well a backhoe is a backhoe...:)
They are relatively the same product as they were 10 years ago...hydraulic pistons haven't moved around that much...basic functions are still the same...:D
Yeah you're right there. I suppose it's possible it is a B600, or could be a lighter, earlier model too, since it'll fit a Cat 0 and a B600 is not supposed to. The PSI requirements on the B600 is off by 150 PSI on my tractor. We'll see what it is sometime after next week.

As already implied by Paul, I doubt your stock hydraulics are up for running the rig, but then again I doubt any cat 0 machne has hydraulics up for the task, which surprises me it doesn't already have a pump, so it may be worth comparing what your machine puts out and what thet hoe needs. My guess is your machine puts out 6-7gpm and you need twice that to run it.

If your rig cant do it on it's own, I would look at what a pto pump and resevoir is from the manufacturer, northern industrial or Surplus center so you can factor that into the cost/hassle of making it work.

I assume it is only a 3 pt mount and doesnt have a sub frame?

Sub frame units are nice, but you will obviously have to weld /customize whatever frame it comes with, and these frames can really limit your ground clearance.

W/3 pt mounts, you can really only dig right behind you. ANy off to the side work will bend your drag links in a hearbeat.

So when you weigh it all, I have to say buy a used mini will be much happier.
So when you weigh it all, I have to say buy a used mini will be much happier.

I agree there..........

Kelley B600 requirements:
2000 PSI
3.5-4.0 GPM

NH TC18 specs:
1849 PSI (on an 2002 model, can't find specs on a 2003)
4.0 GPM (not including steering) 6.75 total
Well by golly I guess your machine can run it! Do you have remotes?

If the price is right I would give it a go...sure beats a shovel! BUt at those gpm rates dont go contract a full basement job.

I have dial up so I didnt venture to the kelly site, must be a pretty small hoe.
Yes I have the remotes. Added them 4 years ago or so. A small hoe is all I need. Trench in a drain for sump pump. Need to replace a drain line to the septic SOON. Small projects like that. Even would have helped when I buried the Mother-In-Laws cat here the other day. And I have 2 cats that are 13 and 14 years old. So that "job" will be coming some day in the near future.
Well..........finally got over to look at it. It's a Kelley B15, a 1996 model according to the serial number. He said he dug maybe 100' of downspout drain and it's been in the barn ever since. 12 years of dust on it from sharing the barn with a couple of donkeys. The 9" bucket that was on it still had the paint on it, including the bottom. The 15" bucket in the corner of the barn had never been mounted. Everything was covered with dust but the condition was A+ other than that.

He paid $3800-4000 for it 12 years ago, but still wanted $3000 out of it now. I had to pass, more than I could swing right now.
Too bad you can't get it. That seems like a fair price, especially if its near new.

I sure use my BH enough to justify buying it. But I hope you don't have as many stumps to remove every year like I do. There is a cutoff point where an expensive tool isn't justified.
Too bad you can't get it. That seems like a fair price, especially if its near new.

I sure use my BH enough to justify buying it. But I hope you don't have as many stumps to remove every year like I do. There is a cutoff point where an expensive tool isn't justified.

Yeah it looked like new. I just wish I could have gotten it. I'll keep looking. Or saving........LOL
have a kelly 600 on 1700 ford...digs 5.5' deep pto pump runs at idle & can dig all around & lift tractor off ground & move...use additional struts from top link area to drawbar bracket & lock3pt lever down while subframe & pto pump does not involve tractor hydraulic
Jerry, I don't know if you are still looking for a small backhoe but a twin to mine just ended on ebay at $1825 without meeting the reserve price. He claims under 50 hours use in the past 30 years, then stored.

It's a couple of hours from you, down in Columbus. I'll bet you could negotiate a good price. I think he has other auctions open you could contact him through, if ebay won't pass your message to him on this closed auction.

Ebay auction 150377933663

Actually I am about 10 mins from the Columbus city limits, depending on which way I drive. 5 mins if I go another way.
I'll have to pass on a hoe for now. The better half is no longer working a regular job. So it'll have to wait for a while. I do appreciate the heads up though.
Saw it on Craigslist today. His price is $2500. In the eBay ad he said shipping weight is 900 lbs. The Kelley B15 I was looking at is around 550 lbs.