JD 4440 engine oil preasure

gary schenck

New member
I have a jd4440 with 466t engine it came in with abad head gasket,pulled off head, 2 of the cylinders had scoreing on side walls,rod&main bearings looked good so ordered overhaul kit with standard bearings.put all back together runs great45-50#oil preasure@2000rpm when cold,after it warms up20-22#@2000 rpm and only 10-12#oilpreasure at 1000rpm.Have taken all 3 of the oil preasure relief valves apart, added shims to the one that raises preasure should have gained 15# gained nothing . any ideas thanks GARY
Sounds like an engine a friend of mine did. Std bearings on a 30 under crank. We shimmed it and invented shims and never gained much. Finally he tore it down and miked the crank. Put the 30 under bearings in and everything was happy. The inserts you replaced were stamped std? Did you mic the crank?
I agree, be sure the bearings are correct fit. If so, then be sure to check the cam bearings. Also the pump could be worn.
red beard,jd110 4440 oil preasure

the rods and mains had no markings other than a part # any other time I have worked on engines when bearings are under size they were marked .005,010,020.I did measure rod journal it was the correct size for standard bearing,main bearing journal could not be measured when in block,myself I guess Iam leaning toward worn cam bearings

thanks gary
Typically, John Deere does not mark their bearings as undersize, so you can't rely on that if they were John Deere bearings. Do you still have the bearings removed from engine? I might be able to figure out from the part number if it was standard or not. Was the oil pressure low before the overhaul kit was installed? Did your engine have the crankshaft driven oil pump or the camshaft driven pump? A cut oring or a leaking gasket on the oil tubes connecting oil pump to the block could be cause of low pressure also.
jd 110 4440 oil preasure

the oil pump is cam driven ,we took it apart did not see any wear on gears,inside of pump or bushing in idler gear.Rod bearing#R57583,main bearing#s are R60473 for bottom an R61609 for the top all bearings are federal mogel. we put all new orings on the oilpump pipes greased them an put back together.I don,t remember looking at the oil preasure when it was backed in the shop,and I don,t believe the knows either. thanks gary
The rod bearings are standard size. The mains come up to .010" undersize. The actual part number for .010 undersize is AR74816 for six bearings and AR77750 for the thrust bearing. The thrust washers are Ar77747 for std and AR77753 for .007 oversize.
jd 110 4440 oil preasure

Thanks for your help ,had a little free time this aft so I went on john deere website looked upthe bearing numbers,and found just as you say, rods were standard,mains .010 under,can,t believe a crank would come out of the factoryall ready ground under size .This should take care of my problem,I learned a good lesson that will not be fogotten Thanks again for help .Gary