Iseki TA 255 Filters or info needed


I posted this over at TBN & I,m in desperate need of servicing My tractor since I cant find one to replace it with that fits My needs . I,m Looking for any info on filters or any other parts that might be available for My Iseki TA 255 , 3 cyl deisel 4wd .

I Need ,air & fuel elements , spin on oil & spin on hydraulic filters . I,ve searched this entire website as well as the internet & cant find any info on this model . I must have the only one . :eek: . I,ve finally exhausted My stash of the factory Japanese filters & have no good #,s to cross reference them to others that will replace them .

I,m down to just this one tractor after selling the other Isekis I had & its my workhorse . So I,m not looking for something close or "it might fit or work" , as I use it a lot . I know theres a few dealers on here that can supply certain things for other models & if You can help all info would be appreciated . You can either post here or PM Me . If You need pics I can provide them although I doubt it would help that much .

I plan on keeping this until I,m gone , So I might be interested in other spare parts & Buying enough filters to last Me for at least a few years . Thanks for any input . Bob
Dont know if it will be of any help, I have a massey mod 1532 that is made by Iseki. Just maby a trip to a massey dealer might be useful for you. My engine is a 3 cylender also.
Are you familiar with Rainbow Distributors in Honolulu? I read somewhere they are the only factory-authorized Iseki dealer in the US.

If you know more about them, or other support, I would like to hear it. I occasionally see Isekis advertised but I don't know anything about support.
Dont know if it will be of any help, I have a massey mod 1532 that is made by Iseki. Just maby a trip to a massey dealer might be useful for you. My engine is a 3 cylender also.

Thanks & Welcome ki0ho , I,ll give it a shot . Have You got any pics of Yours ? I,d be curious to see if its any wheres close to mine . Thanks Bob :tiphat:
Thanks Cali & Mark . I,ve heard of both supplyers but haven,t dealt with either yet . I,ll give both a call as well . :respect:

I,ve contacted a few other supplyers & talked to several local parts houses & Tractor dealers With no luck . I Either Get the " ole Bringer in & will match it up with somethin close " Or Go Buy an American tractor & act like Iseki,s a bad word . Both Of which I found being no help .

From what I do know about these grey market tractors by reading others experiences is , You dont just go to wallyworld & start opening boxes & finding a filter that looks close in the case of Oil & Hydraulic filters . Sure it might screw on & maybe even seem to tighten . But might just fall off due to vibration or not filter properlly causing damage . I,m not taking that chance .

The problem I,m running into , is No one seems to know anything about this particular model , I,ve only seen one older picture of one exactlly like it on a japanese website , For all I know its the one I have now as it was imported from Japan originally .

Reading every forum & doing an extensive search on all sites I,ve only found 2 other people that had one like Mine . They were also looking for filters & never got any replys . They are several year old posts & I haven,t found a way to contact those owners to find out if They ever did find anything . Thats Why I,m posting this on the tractor forums I belong to .

I,ve got several people doing research for Me so I,m hoping I can come up with something soon , as its in Dire need of servicing . So Hopefully Someone might see this that has been in the same situation . Thanks again . Bob :tiphat:
Try this,
The tractor I have is a 2008/09 mod. 1532 Massey ferguson. It is a tractor that is built by iseki for AGCO. I do know that iseki is big in Australia. googal iseki and go from there. I sent a email to the japan site and got a lot of info on mine that the dealer I bought mine from could or woodnot give me. any thing I can do to help let me know. Im trying to find an after market hydro. filter for mine as the massy replacement part is 70.00 I sprong for the first oil change of the hydro. and transmition but there has got to be a less costly one some where. On that item iseki would only say they recomend That I stay with dealer supplyed items............ Later Jerry
Thanks for the link & the info Jerry . Thats a nice lookin tractor , Far different & newer then mine . I also Googled the Massey you have . Also very nice , Way out of my price range though :cool: .

I,ll keep doin searches but the Problem is I cant read none of the info posted on the foreign links to even know what I,m clicking on :pat: . Thanks again . Bob
Just thought I,d update this allthough I doubt anyone else here has the same model let alone an Iseki :hide: . But I did get some help from a feller that owns one identical to it . & got the correct filters . These are hasting #,s though . Just in case someone might be going through the same ordeal . Thanks to all again . Bob

Air - HA AF 1022

Oil - HA LF 157

Hydraulic - HA HF 993

Fuel - HA FF 882