if Kubota would grant my wish


Well-known member
if KTC would grant my wish.-- they would produce a new model RTV just a tad bigger with about 60 hp a heavy frame with an attachment on the front for a loader and other attachments. kinda like the toolcat but with the simplicity of the RTV. what would you add to it???:wave::beatdeadhorse5:
Another vote for a bigger bed.

And Kubota if you are listening...

Please make the side rails stronger/more rigid [when the tailgate is down].
me too. a longer bed like the old 1100 had or even a bit longer and extend the frame on the machine a few inches so you can put the hinges on the bed close to the rear so the bed doesn't lift when rear heavy loads are used.
Just kidding. But, I'd suggest a better windshield wiper system, better fueling arrangement, forward reverse single pedal transmission, color coded filters and dip sticks, 35-40 mph top speed, more reasonable prices on fluids filters and parts. Better informed dealer network and mechanic training.
Acknowledgement and sponsorship from Kubota Corp of this Forum.
Sounds like a Jeep truck or a F-150. LOL

Haha you're right Keifer. ... I'm not saying nutin' but no plastic is sure nice.. and I spun out today cutting off a group of heifers. Wow.. what a feeling.:myopinion: but I still loved my 2011 RTV 900.. collie