Happy Girls


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..... brought the RTV home the other day. Took our "girls" outside to let them play around.
Nothing in the world, makes these little ones of ours happier than to take them riding in the RTV. You can say the word " KUBOTA", and they just go crazy, for they know they are fixin' to take a ride.

Well, the RTV been put up for safe keeping from the Mississippi river. They happen to
run around the back of the place, run up and seen that orange machine sitting there, and one went to running in circles, and the other one, howling with her tail just a waggin away. One of the most surpising things I've ever seen. They have missed that RTV !!!!!!
All I had to do is tell them, " let's go " and up in the seat they were. They were in heaven !!!


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here is a older picture of LeRoux taking a ride >>>>


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Know what you mean. Beautiful dogs ! We have a soft coated wheaten terrier who also loves to ride. They catch on so fast, when you put clothing on to go outdoors he blocks the door to be sure he can ride along. They are a great comfort.


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..... All of our children are grown and gone. These are the ones at home. They are everything to us >>>>


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Ah man, that's great. Beautiful dogs.

I've got two that are pretty much the same. They can actually recognize the difference between me putting on my work clothes in the morning (they're not too interested) and putting on my going to town clothes (we get to ride in the van). It's funny to watch. Rattle the van keys and say, "Van" and they are right there, pile in the van and settle down for the journey. It doesn't matter to where. They're just happy to be going somewhere. You gotta luv 'em.

Whoever came up with the expression, "Man's best friend", got it right.

muleman RIP

Gone But Not Forgotten
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Mine see me put on the hat or boots and it is a total fight to get out the door with me. If they can't go they pout and drive the wife crazy till I get back. The little pom will jump in the car the second the door is open and won't leave unless forced to. They just love to be a part of things.


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We have a Yorkie that's the same way, I just say, Hey Bubby! "Buggy Ride?" and off he gos and jumps up on the golf cart, he's a bit confused now with the RTV1100 as to which one we're taking, I just ordered a booster seat off ebay for him to put in the RTV


We have three "girls," a chocolate lab, a goldendoodle, and a Jack Russell. The Jack is in the house most of the time while the others have their room at the end of the garage. Everything is cool when I take the RTV or golf cart for a spin and the Jack is in the house. The lab and the golden enjoy running along side. When the Jack is with me she jumps up on the RTV and won't let the other two get near it. She has decided that anything with wheels on it belongs solely to her.


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... happy to see others enjoy thier " friends" as much as we do.

They all are special in our lives ....

They have our hearts, our rides, our FULL attention, now

............... All they need now is a Social Security number !!!!!


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muleman RIP

Gone But Not Forgotten
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My friends from Virginia arrived right before noon today. As they got out of their vehicle(identical to mine) the pom and GSD both jumped in. They love to go that bad!


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Yes indeed! Those pups are special- just look at my avatar to see my "nieces" on the RTV. The one laying down loves it almost as much as I do. The one standing prefers the 4wheeler -but will take whichever one is in motion. bordercolllie


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I don't mean to highjack the thread but I have to ask because of something that happened lately.

From the sound of it all our dogs, just like mine, are happy, healthy and well adjusted. We've always been lucky with every dog we've ever shared our lives with. Is it just because of the way we love, treat and train them?

The reason I ask is that we were recently at my wife's cousin's house for family supper and they have 3 smallish dogs. Two of them are just fine but one is, to put it mildly, a freekin' menace. If it were a human you'd say that it was totally paranoid. The little booger will turn and bite you in a heartbeat. They laugh and say that it's just playing rough. It's has seemingly never bitten the lady of the house, although it has snapped at her, but the guy has been bitten 3 or 4 times. As a visitor, it growls and threatens you all the time. If it were mine, I'd take it outside and we'd have a long discussion about who was top dog in that house. Just saying.


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My dog doesn't care for riding in the RTV for some reason. She loves to sit on the seat when it's not running but as soon as I fire it up, she hops off. If I put a leash on her, she knows we're going down the road and wants to come but for general putting around the property, she prefers to not come along. Odd since she loves riding in the neighbors golf carts and obviously rides in the truck. Maybe the diesel engine noise bothers her.

My dog likes to play rough with me but only when she's defending the kids. It's a game we play. I pretend to grab one of the kids, then she barks and grabs my arm in her mouth. I don't mind and the kids laugh. I can stop her with a single word command if needed.


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I don't mean to highjack the thread but I have to ask because of something that happened lately.

The little booger will turn and bite you in a heartbeat. They laugh and say that it's just playing rough.........

>>>>> If it were mine, I'd take it outside and we'd have a long discussion about who was top dog in that house. Just saying.

No Sir, you are not highjacking the thread. Good topic.
I love dogs !!! Period !!!! BUT, I don't play, and I be damned if somebody is going to laugh at me and tell me the dog is just playing rough. In 1980, a bad dog bit my foot, and bit off my little toe plus some on my right foot..... NOBODY LAUGHED, expecially when I took care of the dog...... I had no choice !!!!

Bad situation, dog owner should have took care of that bad dog way before it got that bad. If it would have been a child, it
would have for sure killed him/her. NO DOUBT ABOUT IT !!!

The owners of that animal need to do something. It is not always the animals fault. They have training collars for that problem.....

.......... jamie


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Jamie, your post brought to mind "For Better or Worse" in last Sunday's funny papers. Elizabeth catches Farley drinking from the toilet again and says, "Bad dog!" while whamming him on the head several times with the toilet lid. In the final frame, John is saying "See, all my training Farley not to drink from the toilet finally is paying off." It always helps in the training process to get their attention!
