got the winch mount today, now time to order more stuff!


Senior Member
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[quote user="Johndeeremho"]</p>

do any of you have the tail light guards on ur RTV?</p>
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Thought about it but thought it was cost prohibitive (nice way of saying not worth the money?). A new set of lights is pretty cheap (especially if you take the route of using trailer lights as your replacement). </p>

I honestly thought I'd break those backup lights the first year. Well, here we are almost 5 years later and not a ding. I'm careful not to back into a pile and more importantly, if dumping a load, make sure you slide forward enough that when the contents dump out and roll under the tailgate, you left room.</p>

JDMHO - I owe you (and probably everyone else) an apology. I'm re-reading this post as well as a couple others I've posted in reply to you. You can ask Mrs. Zoom who will confirm I'm a mean SOB. What I don't want (mean) to do is take it out on y'all. I quit smoking 14 days ago, I've only worked 3 of the last 16 months which is killing me (but am self-employed so I can't collect unemployment), I have a pinched nerve in my neck and go to the doctor almost daily (but pay cash instead of insurance)... Basically, I'm having some personal issues but hide it from the family. Sorry, but I may be taking it out on y'all instead. Please don't take it personally.</p>



Gold Site Supporter
Gold Site Supporter
I don't have them. I think they are a good idea though,.... especially if you do any backing up at night. I forgot I had a spray rig hooked up several years ago -- it was dark out and when I backed up without a backup light and I broke a tail light. I replaced them with waterproof boat trailer lights --- the kind with the drain holes and clear bottoms. Now when the lights are on, there is light shining on the ground below. It really helps seeing in the rear. Now , longer mudflaps will be in order to keep the lens clear. That will be a future project though. As I have too much stuff going on to fool with them. Out of a hundred things I need to do during my "free" time, mud flaps and tail light protectors would be items 99 and 100. Bordercollie</p>


Well-known member
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[quote user="bczoom"]</p>

[quote user="Johndeeremho"]</p>

do any of you have the tail light guards on ur RTV?</p>
<div style="CLEAR: both"></div>


Thought about it but thought it was cost prohibitive (nice way of saying not worth the money?). A new set of lights is pretty cheap (especially if you take the route of using trailer lights as your replacement). </p>

I honestly thought I'd break those backup lights the first year. Well, here we are almost 5 years later and not a ding. I'm careful not to back into a pile and more importantly, if dumping a load, make sure you slide forward enough that when the contents dump out and roll under the tailgate, you left room.</p>

JDMHO - I owe you (and probably everyone else) an apology. I'm re-reading this post as well as a couple others I've posted in reply to you. You can ask Mrs. Zoom who will confirm I'm a mean SOB. What I don't want (mean) to do is take it out on y'all. I quit smoking 14 days ago, I've only worked 3 of the last 16 months which is killing me (but am self-employed so I can't collect unemployment), I have a pinched nerve in my neck and go to the doctor almost daily (but pay cash instead of insurance)... Basically, I'm having some personal issues but hide it from the family. Sorry, but I may be taking it out on y'all instead. Please don't take it personally.</p>

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hang in dare zoom it gets better man. i know where your comin fromabout the money thing and i know where your comin from about the pain. feel free to call me if you wnna bullshit man.</p>


Senior Member
Site Supporter
[quote user="bczoom"]</p>

...........I'm a mean SOB. >>>>>>
I quit smoking 14 days ago >>>></p>

[/quote] bczoom, My hat goes off to you my friend !!! You earned the rightcalled a mean SOB !!!! Tell Mrs. Zoom, it gets better !!!! Myself, been quit now for 18 months, five days >>> Not that anybody is keeping up with it or anything like that . I sent my wife to a 10 day cruise when I quit. The day she left, is the day I quit .... I feel better, do things without running out of wind !!!!</p>

Please, Don't Give Up, !!!!</p>
