Desperately seeking glow plugs for Mahindra 3616


New member
My contractor has a Mahindra 3616 here in middle TN (hour east of Nashville), and has not been able to locate NGK 1664 glow plugs anywhere.....local places don't carry them, and he's been unsuccessful looking online. He needs 3 of them. Anyone know where we can locate these?? It would be very much appreciated!
Try Messicks. They are great with hard to find parts:

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Update: I found them on Amazon, believe it or not.....don't know I didn't check there first.....they are $65 for three. I see plugs going for $9-19 many other places, but seeing as how they don't seem to be easy to find, I guess it's not a bad price. Note: calling Mehindra directly, their price is (are you sitting down?) $158 EACH. $492+ shipping for three plugs (!) So.....I guess we'll settle for the $65. If I find another lower price in the next few days, we can always cancel (or return) the Amazon order.
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Congrats on finding the glow plugs, on Amazon at that. Ebay is another one that surprises me sometimes with hard to find parts.