D-Day, -0353

We'll all be praying and thinking about you....Good Luck! Keep us posted.
Back home, no worse for the wear. Light bulbs light up as I walk by:yum: (:sorry: Have to joke) Found out TODAY that I have to undergo the same thing AGAIN in a week. Seems they won't put but so many of the pellets in at once. Oh boy.

In answer to the question raised above, blood sugar has been on a roller coaster. I had it down to 90's/100's very consistant for a couple weeks, then it started getting erratic. 110 to 150 up and down. Doc has no real explaination for that. Weight is down a total of 26 lbs. Weight loss has slowed as expected. Cholesterol screen again in 2 weeks. We'll see where that's at.

$0.05 worth of free advice, stay young if you can. This getting old crap is for the birds.
I'd love to take that advice .... kinda tough to do though, I'm already old. :eek:
Glad to hear you made it through today no worse for the wear!! :thumb: :D
$0.05 worth of free advice, stay young if you can. This getting old crap is for the birds.

beats the alternative!

congrats on the continuing weight loss, hopefully once your stress goes down a bit the sugars will settle back down.

good luck and prayers!
Back home, no worse for the wear. Light bulbs light up as I walk by:yum: (:sorry: Have to joke) Found out TODAY that I have to undergo the same thing AGAIN in a week. Seems they won't put but so many of the pellets in at once. Oh boy.

In answer to the question raised above, blood sugar has been on a roller coaster. I had it down to 90's/100's very consistant for a couple weeks, then it started getting erratic. 110 to 150 up and down. Doc has no real explaination for that. Weight is down a total of 26 lbs. Weight loss has slowed as expected. Cholesterol screen again in 2 weeks. We'll see where that's at.

$0.05 worth of free advice, stay young if you can. This getting old crap is for the birds.

I have consistently wished you well and I do so now! (on one occasion I suggested that you not dwell on what you cannot change)!~!

Getting old/older is a state of mind and can be a prison if you allow that. If your are still reading? I will tell you to put all of this in the background and focus on what you can accomplish tomorrow without the burdens of yesterday!

You may just decide that Yes I can, is a lot healthier than No I can't! Many already have and yes I am one of them and you can be one of us too!

I believe if you stop talking about it (read looking for a false sense of something) you will have then diverted your energies to a more positive outcome!!

Just my opinion and what has (so far) worked for a guy who has beat the odds for many years!

Been awhile since we have heard from you, I for one would like to know how your coping with the maladies our generation wakes to each day!!

PM me at your convenience if your reluctant to post on the board! MY Boat has room for all that just recently discovered that your in need of just an understanding ear!! I will listen and help if I can!!
