900 pulling issue


New member
Wanted to run this past you guy's and see if we can't figure out what is going on. Myself and a friend bought new worksite 900's a few month's back and he has had some issues with his which required that the tranny be replaced on it after only 5 hours. Well he has got unit back and he was pulling his boat over to the shed which the driveway has a slight incline to it and he had it in medium range and the unit just would not pull it up that small incline. Now we know that a 900 will pull it up that incline as he used another 2006 unit in the same gear and had no problem. Now we know that the 2006 model does not have the valve on there for the severe braking issue and wondered since we both have the 2010 models which do if that is playing a part in this. Now we have not tried to move it with mine yet but we are going to try it. Is this unit adjustable for more pulling power. we are both up to 30 hrs on the machines and as yet I have not really pulled anything to heavy (empty 18 ft trailer). We are looking for help as to what might be going on.


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Have you tried it in Low range? How much does the boat weigh / what size boat is it?


New member
20 ft jetboat, my guess is that it weighs somewhere in the 2000 lb area, the issue was why the 2010 model would not pull it in midrange and the 2006 model will.


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Really believe it is a adjustment issue. Now, let me state this. Not every " Kubota mechanic" can do the " Proper & true " adjustments. For I know, I"ve asked several questions
at different dealers, and you get the " deer in the headlight look" . They don't have a clue
what in the hell you are talking about. So, before you have some, so called " Kubota mechanic work on your unit., sit down and see just what he knows about these machines and how they truely need to be set up. Many answers are in these post, and in the Kubota mechanic manuals.

......... two guns


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New member
Really believe it is a adjustment issue. Now, let me state this. Not every " Kubota mechanic" can do the " Proper & true " adjustments. For I know, I"ve asked several questions
at different dealers, and you get the " deer in the headlight look" . They don't have a clue
what in the hell you are talking about. So, before you have some, so called " Kubota mechanic work on your unit., sit down and see just what he knows about these machines and how they truely need to be set up. Many answers are in these post, and in the Kubota mechanic manuals.

......... two guns

We did purchase the shop manual, but as I am not familiar enough with the system I don't want to try this nor do I believe he will. We are in the Hermann, Mo. area, does anyone know of anyone within a reasonable distance say 100 or so miles that they could refer us to.


Wayde’s Equipment

Wayde’s Equipment out of Steelville. 573-775-3575 I have found him to be the best.


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I think some of your problems are related to the newness of the vehicle. It has been proven here that hours, like 100, make a big difference in the RTV in every way. Pulling, shifting and general ease of use.

As one person said, "he drove it like he stole it", and it works like a top.


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Oh yes, the more you run this little tank, the better it pulls.

I can tell for a fact, that mine pulls so much stronger than it did when new. Much, much stronger !!!!!


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Mine has about 48 hrs on it and I pull a 22 ft deckboat around the place regularly. It doesn't like to do it in high, but med has no problems...even with mild inclines (don't have many hills to pull on at home.



Did you buy it from a dealer? I know several in MO who might be able to straighten it out for you.
Even though it's early you might try changing the HST filters. You have to change them at 50 hrs., anyhow.