855 hood assistance

Randolph Ruckus

New member
Recent purchase, 855 with mower and snow blower. The tractor also has a fabric cab with a glass windshield. The forward hood hinges are missing as the hood has to slide forward approximately four inches to clear the windshield to fully open. The stock front lift arms do not allow this much forward travel. This is probably the reason they were removed. In fully open position it is unstable due to the rear hinges are the sole support. Has anyone had this problem ? Are there two styles of front hinges ? The Deere parts man stated the forward hinges created a problem when mounting the cab.


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Welcome to the forum. Not sure I'm mentally seeing your issue.
Does your tractor hood look like what's pictured below?
If so, the ones I'm familiar with (but they don't have a cab) have hinges near the dash and a looped rod in the front to hold it open.
