3 point hitch tiller advice needed.


New member
I have a IH 284 tractor that is 30 HP and 27 HP PTO. I am in the market for a tiller to attach to the 3PH and was wondering if there was and rule of thumb for size of tiller to HP of tractor. I have been considering a 4' tiller due to the size of my machine but a 5' tiller would cover my tire width better. Any opinions would be appreciated.
From someone who's been regularly mangling his 4', I'd definitely go with at least a 5'.

At 4', my tiller is too small for my tractor and takes a lot of punishment since the tractor won't give it any play by moving itself. Also, if it doesn't cover your rear tires, you'll be disappointed (or have to offset to one side and then cover the exposed track on the next pass).
Yep, I agree with the others. I'd go with the 5'. You really want to cover those tracks. Makes your life so much easier. I have a 30hp also and have been told I can run a 5' tiller. 6' would be a bit much for it but 5' would be perfect.