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  1. N

    New Holland tech???

    I do understand stand what u are saying for sure..... I have the service manual an still dnt know what I'm looking @.... 🤣🤣🤣 On ua side note........... I wouldn't be on here asking dumb questions if there wasn't a strip mall an twn houses. Where there used 2b be a dairy an NH dealer 🫤 Thanks...
  2. N

    New Holland tech???

    I got ya...... I'm 101 percent sure the shavings came from a junk aftermarket pump.......? That came apart a couple years back. What tells the control Valve ok you are good. stop sending fluid to the lift cylinder??? Other than the safety at the end of its stroke
  3. N

    New Holland tech???

    Heyyy man!!! Thanks for al the help I did find metal shavings in the control valve.... An I placed the packing on the lift cylinder. Lift works great but doesn't come al the way up.......? Any idea what it could be??? Thanks!
  4. N

    New Holland tech???

    Not on this one the underside of the cab is one solid peice of steel...... The cab sets up off the frame probably 4"or 5" an that's plenty of room to get to the bolt's/lines... But is that enough room to get the top of the case off???
  5. N

    New Holland tech???

    Thank you sir!!! I really do appreciate your time explaining to me how that hydraulic system works! Yes my tractor has mid hydraulic an control for a loader. but doesn't have a loader on at this time. An it is doing just as you said when the remote lever is returning to neutral. The lift arms...
  6. N

    New Holland tech???

    I know it's ua long shot but is there any New Holland tech's/mechanics on here??? THANKS!!
  7. N

    01 NH TL 80 lift problem

    I hav a 2001 NH TL 80 with 1500 hrs an the 3 point lift won't rase up as it should.......?? Hydraulic pressure @ rear remote is 2700 psi. I can get lift arms up by pulling remote lever about 50 times Any advice wld be much appreciated THANKS!!!
  8. N

    01 NH TL 80 lift problem

    I hav a 2001 NH TL 80 with 1500 hrs an the 3 point lift won't rase up as it should.......?? Hydraulic pressure @ rear remote is 2700 psi. I can get lift arms up by pulling remote lever about 50 times Any advice wld be much appreciated THANKS!!!