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  1. Doc

    Got it!!

    NICE!!! Congrats!!!
  2. Doc

    Advice on purchase of a Commercial Grade UTV for trail work

    Hi, and welcome to our forums. I feel you have zeroed on the best option for your needs. A RTV would suit the bill in every way. The hydraulic dump is so awesome. I had a RTV 900, then a RTV 1140. Both bought used. They both served me well with no issues. But I wanted to cruise the...
  3. Doc

    Pictures of tractors

    :wow: Awesome collection of machinery. :tiphat:
  4. Doc

    Pictures of tractors

    NICE set up there. I have excavator envy. I want to buy one but have a hard time justifying it. So, for now I plan to rent one for two weeks or a month for the next couple of years. Or maybe every other year. It is for my trails. To clear the sides. Last year I used a brush cutter...
  5. Doc

    2021 RTV-X1100C overheating / fan belt problem

    Extrafu: I was trying to help by making your image full size and accidently deleted it. Please post the image again. my apologies. A major DUH moment. Note: if you click on the image after you upload it and select full it will be full size and easier for all to see. So sorry for my...
  6. Doc

    How long did your RTV-X Battery Last?

    I'll look again, it probably is there. It was hard to look close while holding the bed up. I posted that in case someone else might need the hydraulics to hold it up. I had never considered that option before but it worked like a charm.
  7. Doc

    How long did your RTV-X Battery Last?

    I bragged on mine in an earlier thread (2015 RTV 1100c w/ original battery) We took a little vacation earlier this month. Was away for 9 days. The RTV started after our trip but turned over slow. Then we had the artic cold snap and I didn't drive it for a couple days. When I went to start...
  8. Doc


    Ugg, no fun at all.
  9. Doc


    Thanks for asking. I'm doing great. Once they removed the drain tube from my side I was able to sleep and do stuff mostly pain free. Had a week of vacation scheduled and am in the middle of it doing great. I cannot submerge in water of any kind for 60 days and here I am in 87 degree FL...
  10. Doc


    A friend of mine bought an Arctic cat ATV, but it was not a diesel. He had a good bit of trouble with it and only kept a couple years. This was 15 years ago. Maybe they’ve gotten better over the years I really do not know.
  11. Doc

    Still kicking the tires on a mini track loader

    NICE!!!!!! :thumb:
  12. Doc

    MF 1010

    I've never even seen a MF1010. But generally speaking, all diesels will smoke right after start up. At 750 hours it sounds like it's barely broke in. How many HP is it? what year is it? Share the price if you don't mind, it helps with folks in the know offer advice.
  13. Doc


    Thanks Scotty. Best wishes to you moving past all those issues. You are so right, getting old is not for sissies.
  14. Doc


    Feeling so much better today. Human again. Woo hoo. Best wishing with your surgery BCzoom.
  15. Doc


    Thank you all for the prayers and good wishes. Surgery was no fun at all. My gallbladder did not want to come out. Doctor said it was really attached to my liver. Like it was super glued. Then while trying to break it loose / cut it loose the gallbladder busted open. So some of the...
  16. Doc


    Severe stomach pain last night finally gave in and went to the ER. They did tests and found I have issues with my gallbladder. They transferred me to the hospital today they did an endoscopy killed some stones that were in the vile duct and put a stent in my vile duct. Tomorrow they remove the...
  17. Doc

    Here's a "Talk About Anything" - II

    We are at -8 F in southern Ohio. This artic blast sucks. But, we are one more day closer to SPRING. :D
  18. Doc

    Here's a "Talk About Anything" - II

    Brrrrr dat's ca ca cold. Wow.
  19. Doc

    Here's a "Talk About Anything" - II

    I'm about 100 miles south of you. We got up to 16 today. Single digits later tonight. No more snow thankfully. We have about 14 inches on the ground. I'm ready for spring!!!!! So READY.
  20. Doc

    Knee replacement surgery

    Week 3 was still a good bit of pain. Hard sleeping. Will hit 4 weeks after surgery in two days. Still painful but not quite as much as it was last week. Will be worth it in the long run but these first few weeks are no fun at all.