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  1. G

    Building a Garage

    The metal bldg you plan on putting on those courses of it going to already have the doors and windows, etc cut and such for it? :waiting:
  2. G

    Yanmar Rototiller RS1400 for YM240 (YM2000)

    All kidding aside CA, I think you got a good deal there on that tiller. If I could find one locally here I would jump on it. If it was a little smaller, that is. And that FEL you aughta jump on as well. If for nothing else, add a tractor to it and have a spare or to sell. I hate Mondays...
  3. G

    Yanmar Rototiller RS1400 for YM240 (YM2000)

    Heavens anyone think you bought something used. :respect:Naaaa...not you. Straigten those end panels and it will ......look....almost brand new. :whistle: Now that one in the other thread I think beat yours. :D
  4. G

    Is your shop/building/barn/garage big enough?

    Looks like an underground parking garage. Or as someone mentioned...a nuclear shelter.:respect:A BIGGGG shelter. ;)
  5. G

    What is the biggest thing you've towed/drug

    BZ, I will tell you...that mental picture I had of you moving that rock is priceless. Doggone lucky I wasnt taking a drink of my coffee when I read it. Would have ruined a good laptop. :yum::yum:
  6. G

    Yanmar Rototiller RS1400 for YM240 (YM2000)

    Now ya got me envious, CA. What is the width on that tiller? Thats the kind of gear I like to find....course...I do fix mine up. :poke:;)
  7. G

    Painting my Yanmar 155D

    I talked to the guy I got it from the other day. He had bought it new locally way back when, actually, it was his dad that bought it at the time. Anyway, he said it came with the loader already on it and it was colormatched so he presumes it came factory equiped. There arent any logos or...
  8. G

    Plasma Cutter/Tig/Arc Combo

    Well, I have never tried welding aluminum so this will be a first for me. Any kind of TIG will be a first. I felt your pain above...<ouch) I blew an arc through my thumb one time. I dont even want to go into how THAT happened. That hurt a tad also. Was embarassing too. :oops: I have seen...
  9. G


    The hinimoto has the split gears. I think he did answer you on that. Mine (Janmar 155D) shows just the 4 gears total on the stick but has the hi/low range on the right side of the seat to give 6 forward and 2 reverse. His I think he said has 12 forward. I wish I did have a higher gear on...
  10. G

    Painting my Yanmar 155D

    Naaaa, I was thinking of candy stripes. :noevil: Anything is an improvement, ya know. :wave:
  11. G

    Painting my Yanmar 155D

    I think you are right. I had an old green thing Oliver tractor.....:yum: Ran good but looked like.....:puke1:
  12. G

    Plasma Cutter/Tig/Arc Combo

    Was wondering how many here had a plasma cutter? I have had one now for about a year. And I wonder how I ever got along without it. Its a 60 amp multi use model. I can cut, Tig or arc weld with it. I havent used the welding functions as yet since I have two other mig welders but I do plan...
  13. G


    Very nice tractor. Some really fine photos as well. :thumb:
  14. G

    Painting my Yanmar 155D

    Naaa...its far past buffing or shining the original paint. I do have a spot up under the hood that is not faded and is the original color. I plan to take some of it in and get it scanned at the paint dealer to get a match. I will post the numbers of the paint mix once I get it so if anyone...
  15. G

    What do you like most and least about your tractor

    Hey Jim, if I got that particular drink holder and put my favorite beverage in it I would be lucky to get 15 minutes of work done. :alc:
  16. G

    Painting my Yanmar 155D

    Yea, but I wanna make her shine. :thumb:
  17. G

    Painting my Yanmar 155D

    HI all, I plan to repaint my 155D, starting in a week or two. Its in pretty sorry shape right now...paint wise. Just finished getting it into running condition after it sat for 8 years. Now I am going to make it purty. I know I am not upto Marks abilities but I am not a newbie to painting...
  18. G

    One of my hobbies!!

    Will try to post some pics of some of the equip soon. My biggest find? Wasnt that much, but up in Montana I found about 3 ounces of gold dust in one day running a small sluice box and just working the cracks in the stream and up in the bank. Mostly small dust but there were a few real small...
  19. G

    Glad to be here.

    I just wanted to thank everyone for the outstanding welcome that I have recieved in the short time I have been a member here. I really liked Kentucky. Louisville was really a nice town when I was there. Yep...Colorado is pretty..more so the closer you get to the mountains and up in the...
  20. G

    What do you like most and least about your tractor

    Lets see. Mine is a Yanmar 155D, 15hp diesel, 4WD, with an FEL. I like the size and the power it has for such a small size. I can get into my barn with it and clean out stalls without being on the working end of a shovel. It does just about everything I ask it to. Cons: Its hard to locate...