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  1. G

    Is your shop/building/barn/garage big enough?

    I didnt build mine, it came with the place, but even it isnt enough. THe main building is 45 x 100, the other two are about 20x30 Then I have the barn, but no phot here right now and the two garages.
  2. G

    Painting my Yanmar 155D

    :D my shop and a compressor that puts out up to 145 psi with a 80gal storage. So plenty of air. Have 3 or 4 paintguns, one bottom feed, the other two are HVLP top feed, one for main and the othe smaller for touchups. Then I have an old style metal paintgun pro type. I also have a...
  3. G

    Well, I sure did it today...

    Old age itus. Ya know....difficulty seeing where the feet are because of the belly. :D
  4. G

    Well, I sure did it today...

    Thats exacatly what they did. And told me to stay off it, bedrest, ice and the usual pain meds. NOt supposed to walk on it for at least 2 week.s And even that is provisional. :angry: My wife gave me a good talkig to as well. :moon3: A good day:umbrella:
  5. G

    Well, I sure did it today...

    Cant believe it. Everything was going good lately and what do I do....bust my daggone foot this morning. Was barefoot and was in a hurry. :puke1: And stubbed my foot on the edge of the door and ...well...the rest is history. :badidea: Busted the bone just back of the little toe on me left...
  6. G

    Clamp on Forks Pictures for Bonehead

    When I bought the old Oliver I used to own, it had a FEL with some homemade bale forks on it. The FEL worked fine, but the bale forks had clamped midway in the bucket and bent it down and cracked it. So there was a crack running the full length between the forks. That was direct evidence of...
  7. G

    Help with 3PH/ Rockshaft bleed-down

    On my Allis-Chalmers I have draft control and what you describe is almost identical to using draft control turned on when using anything that doesnt engage the a plow or a disc. Draft control is designed for ground engaging elements. Its a pain in the a** on anything else like...
  8. G

    How do you move a milling machine?

    Moving the machine whole is something I would prefer doing. I do not like taking those machines apart. Especially the well used ones. Its too easy to get things out of wack. The only time I have seen em disassembled are some of those big Bridgeports, the ones that are 2 to 3 tons in size...
  9. G

    How do you move a milling machine?

    Mith, the one thing you might consider. When it is bolted to a pallet and also banded to it, it becomes much less top heavy in that you have placed it on a much wider base. You put a 2 x 3 machine base on a 4 x 5 base it actually triples the base area as long as it is well fastened. equals...
  10. G

    Is your shop/building/barn/garage big enough?

    Out in this part of the country they sometimes have an old missle silo come up for sale. Seen a few advertised off and on. Used to be a guy could pick em up fairly cheap. Not anymore. Last one I saw for sale was going for near a million and change. Way beyond my budget for sure. Me, I...
  11. G

    How do you move a milling machine?

    Mith, this is how I moved my last one I had when I sold it. Jacked it up until I could get it on a sturdy pallet. (I first lowered the table), Then using the bolt holes on the bottom of the machine, I bolted it to the pallet. I also tied it down good to the pallet from the mill head. From...
  12. G

    Building a Garage

    Hokay....thats what I was wondering about. Just didnt word it like I wanted I guess. But heck...than I wouldnt have been able to tell that story about my father in law. :yum:
  13. G

    Glad to be here.

    Hi Tom, and welcome also. Yep..I like this forum alot. And the folks here. If I had my druthers I would fish nowhere but saltwater. :D But that is kind of hard to do where I am located, being how its about 1200 miles or thereabouts to the nearest coast. So the best place nearby has catfish...
  14. G

    Yanmar Rototiller RS1400 for YM240 (YM2000)

    Ikay, that makes sense. Well, I am going to have my buddy look for one around 1990 age. He owns the car lot in question and being in the business has plenty of resources for locating things like that. I like the flat sided version alot better. Of course, my wifes opinion is, the newer the...
  15. G

    Building a Garage

    Okay, my next question will be this. Have you factored in the sizes of the premade openings in the metal building to the openings needed in the the block part to fit, for instance, the large overhead doors, entrance doors, etc. I ask because my father in law, being a tall gentleman, built...
  16. G

    Is your shop/building/barn/garage big enough?

    Now you know the next question, I bet. ;) What prompted you guys to buy it? Or was it that the property you bought just happened to have it or was it a major factor in you buying it. Something like that is fascinating in the first place. And in todays world...maybe something alot of us...
  17. G


    Here is what I got straight from a local refiner a while back. I was looking for a bulk source of kerosene for space heating. He said that their best grade of diesel was comparable in quality and burnability as kerosene for my heater. He said thats what a lot of locals buy to use. Low...
  18. G

    Yanmar Rototiller RS1400 for YM240 (YM2000)

    5k for a rebuild. Youch!!! Well, here is a photo of the one we saw. In fact, its still there. A 2003. Doesnt have the same look as yours since its an Axiom and I thought it was a trooper, but what the hay. Do they still make the Trooper?
  19. G

    Is your shop/building/barn/garage big enough?

    Now you KNOW you cant leave the story there. :badidea::bangin: What was abandoned government shelter or what? And how many times have you had to go through the story. :shitHitsFan:
  20. G

    Yanmar Rototiller RS1400 for YM240 (YM2000)

    Ouch and double ouch. No storage and salt air. Thats a double whammy I am glad I dont have. Well....I wouldnt mind being close to the ocean. But not without storage space. It doesnt look from your photos that you have much room for anything else...unless, like you say, you take a row of the...