Search results

  1. M

    New project - 4WD Articulated Tractor

    Mith, Great stuff and a renewed science. Honestly, I don’t understand why most all tractors aren’t hydraulically propelled, steering braked and all wheel drive. With modern technology (and a basic and narrow minded ‘gripe’ of mine is) why more 4WD tractors don’t have all 4 wheels the same...
  2. M

    Problem with JD 3140, 2WD

    Surging or eratic operation is often air...right? And from experience, i've had agitated fuel (mixed with air) create white smoke on startup. The culprit finally turned out to be a pinched 'O' ring at the fuel bowl. I tallowes just enough air to create surging - and proved to be a bugger to...
  3. M

    Hoisting License

    Thanks Jim ....I guess I was spelling it is pronounced BEAR isn't it?
  4. M

    Tool Descriptions

    LOL.......I do not have a radial arm saw! It's amazing what you can collect in a very short (life) time :D.
  5. M

    Hoisting License

    Such are the woe’s of living in Houston’s Harris county (and I understand, Bear Co - San Antanio).
  6. M

    D-Day, -0353

    FWJ, way to go! Sure sounds like you’ve taken control and our thoughts and prayers are with you.
  7. M

    Hoisting License

    I believe the requirements in Texas are "Operator Must be able to: See lightning - Hear Thunder - I’m all for public safety and operator awareness but find that (here) many county/state controls by regulations are more of a cash cow to generate income. Where I’m located, the biggest single...
  8. M

    Garden Expansion

    Wow, Salt of the Earth stuff. Any man that can hunt, fish or harvest from his own garden is ready for anything. Personally, I’ll be growing the same thing I did last year. And once weeds (and no, not the smokin’ kind) become a profitable crop…I’ll be a rich man. I envy you guys and your...
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    D-Day, -0353

    Good luck and prayers for a speedy recovery.
  10. M

    Garden Expansion

    Great pictures! What are you planning on growing this season? Your garden is probably half the size of my entire property :D.
  11. M

    Anybody importing the AF models yet?

    Can’t say that I’ve seen any of the most popular dealer/importers bringing them in but I have seen a few (2) new potential owners asking questions. (Questions that go unanswered) The YM’s have had a good run but IMHO, the supplies are diminishing and the F and FX models are rapidly replacing...
  12. M

    The rules of flying...

    And that old classic…”There are old pilots and there are bold pilots but there are no old, bold pilots”
  13. M

    Air Filters - OEM Yanmar is much better than NAPA's 'will-fit'

    We had a model equipped with a permanet filter in our shop. I thought it was very dirty and packed with dust as the filter felt too heavy. After washing (as an experiment) we found it to weigh about twice that of the replacement filter ...and decided to install the original. I can't tell by...
  14. M

    Yanmar - John Deere Turf Tires with Wheels and Hubs

    Ducktape, The asking price is more than fair and I’ve been checking with customers who may be interested. The fact that the tires are matched for rolling circumference on the 4WD's makes them even more valuable. I believe (think) they should match up with models that have the hexogonal rear...
  15. M

    #25 Massey Ferguson 3-point disc!

    Excellent job and beautiful results. And Hey, I see something identical that's in your shop just like mine... the floor :D
  16. M

    Dad at the Mall.

    That was great......:D
  17. M

    new old guy

    WELCOME Jim! What's a FT60? I'd like to see pictures of your place and tractor stuff too. Mark
  18. M

    Air Filters - OEM Yanmar is much better than NAPA's 'will-fit'

    You'll have a blast with the little 1300. I did one nearly four years ago...was a broken down tractor with some serious problems, but most were cosmetic. Here's a picture - and I still have the tractor even though I've had some handsome offers.....I just keep it around for the little jobs :D!
  19. M

    Air Filters - OEM Yanmar is much better than NAPA's 'will-fit'

    Exactly my thoughts....What did ya do - Keep the YM and sell the FX?? (I'm really bad about doing that)
  20. M

    Air Filters - OEM Yanmar is much better than NAPA's 'will-fit'

    Nice to see another familiar name, Mark. Welcome to NTT and there's always room for another Yanmar tractor Enthusiast Hope you hang out, enjoy and post some pictures.