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  1. thcri RIP

    Isn’t this just America.

    Warren has a bunch of train conductors and engineers that go out and take pictures of the BNSF trains and they produce a calendar every year. I have the last two years. I want to go back to that spot and see if I can find the owner of the corn field and see if I can walk up closer to get the...
  2. thcri RIP

    Isn’t this just America.

  3. thcri RIP

    Look what I found in my backyard

    Even though they are nocturnal if really cold out and food is scarce they do come out during the day. I kind of felt sorry for the guy,,, a bit
  4. thcri RIP

    Six words,,, find them

    It was faster than me. I got to five like right away. The last one took me about two minutes.
  5. thcri RIP

    Six words,,, find them

    When you find just say so. No need to share.
  6. thcri RIP

    Old International Truck

    I see it just fine. Two places
  7. thcri RIP

    Old International Truck

    This farmer is a beef farmer. More than likely it was for the corn he produced for feed. Did I say I want that truck :tiphat:
  8. thcri RIP

    Old International Truck

    Jim, I didn’t think of it but I did take a closer picture of it. If I zoom in it is a R200 Diesel. Complete with air horn. The color picture gives a better idea on the shape of this thing yet
  9. thcri RIP

    Old International Truck

    Ran across this today and snapped a few photos. This truck is in great shape and from what I can see the body had no rust on it. Would love to bring this back to life. I am guessing early 60’s. What do you all think ? ��
  10. thcri RIP


    An aquantance of mine sells them. I think overall they are a great tractor.
  11. thcri RIP

    Did you ever wonder!

    When seeing an old building like this, did you stop and think or wonder who built it. How many people worked or lived in this building. What was all it’s uses. Why was it anabdoned. The stories told it it. The laughter and many other things
  12. thcri RIP

    Eagle at the lake

  13. thcri RIP

    TC 21 9X3 Tranny

    Yeah I really wasn’t sure where Messicks was from. Sorry they couldn’t help you
  14. thcri RIP

    TC 21 9X3 Tranny

    I just tried to order by your part number and put in my cart. Messicks says the part is no longer available but they have sources for discontinued parts. Might be worth a phone call. <a href='' target='_blank'><img...
  15. thcri RIP

    TC 21 9X3 Tranny

    Did you look for New Holland TC 18’s? It looks like they may be the same. I did do a search on your part number and you are right it looks like it is not available anymore. We used to have a member from Florida here. He was a Ford New Holland dealer. A good sized one. Messicks that is it...
  16. thcri RIP

    St. Paul Skyline and Amtrak

    The Amtrak is five hours late. If it would have been on time I would not have had the shadows State Capital in the background Mississippi River
  17. thcri RIP

    Mahindra XTV

    Have never saw the Mahindra RTV’s. But a friend or aquintance sells the tractors and he swears by them. Sat on a few of his models and seemed to be durable. I don’t think you would go wrong.
  18. thcri RIP

    Boomer 50 Hydro

    I have a 29. No not the HP you have but my 3 gear or range seems to only be good on the road. My own driveway has a hill to it and I gave to back the hydro quite a bit. Hope this helps you.
  19. thcri RIP

    BNSF 7018 and 5110

    Great places, thanks for sharing! Some photos were of now plows on trains. I was watching YouTube videos the other night of them. Awesome rigs.
  20. thcri RIP

    Battery tender

    I have a couple tenders. I don’t know how old they are but I have never had one fail. I put one my boat and one on my ATV every winter. I also have a trickle charger that looks just like one of the minders. Yep put it on the ATV and left for the winter. Battery was toast when I came back in...