Search results

  1. shvl73

    fel grease fittings

    do you have a tap set? you should be able to tap it to 1/8" NPT & put them in. I've got a Korean backhoe & found it easier to adjust to NPT than search out the OEM. I hope this helps some.
  2. shvl73

    2810 Issue, now worried about this tractor

    Normal stuff, not to worry. As was pointed out, it can happen on any tractor. I've got almost 1600 hours on mine. I've done an alternator & a pto shaft seal. Now my seat & brake pedal safety switch need to be replaced. The seat switch has been touchy for awhile, now the other one too. I'll...
  3. shvl73

    Mahindra ML-108 loader question

    1-15/16" diameter tube, 30" long, 2-1/2"x4-1/2" base plate. Sorry for the poor picture.
  4. shvl73

    Mahindra ML-108 loader question

    My 2810HST has a slightly different loader, the 108H. I'll bet there isn't much difference & you can get it done. I'll try to get pics & dimensions this weekend.
  5. shvl73

    Kioti Filters

    These are part numbers from Wix filters. They don't seem to list a hydraulic filter, though I bet some digging will turn one up. Air Filter 42485 CK20S HST w / Kioti 3C100LW (1.0L) Engine (Optional Inner) Air Filter 46449 CK20S HST w / Kioti 3C100LW (1.0L) Engine...
  6. shvl73

    Oil Recommendation for Briggs&Stratton?

    I would use the 30w you have in moderate to higher temps and 10w30 in lower (below 40) temps. I would think less of the specifics of the additives and more of the freshness of the oil, ie; no moisture, clean, etc... Finally replacing my old explorer with 234k on 5k oil changes with whatever was...
  7. shvl73

    Tire sizes

    I believe yours are correct. My 2810HST has the same size. The 2810 gear came with a smaller size while the hydro had the larger as on your 3510. Depending on it's prior usage, any amount of 4wd use on pavement/concrete, combined with frequent turns will really stress the driveline. It needs to...
  8. shvl73

    TYM's Poor Service!!!!!!

    I agree with the others, this is crap. TYM and the dealer are both responsible to their customer. Have you inquired if you have any legal recourse? If it is a design/manufacture issue TYM should be all over this. I suspect it is a manufacture issue vs. design, as it seems to be isolated. Maybe...
  9. shvl73

    Bedliners & other questions...

    I can still remember my father leaving a parking lot & driving up the left lane! He had recently moved to the US Virgin islands & had come back for a visit. Quite a shock! In the USVI, they had mostly US spec cars but, still drove on he left. Somewhat of a weird feeling.
  10. shvl73

    Homemade Round bale Feeder

    update: the 50 gals of ww fluid made a big difference. I felt it was a situation of, "if that is good, more is better", so next trip to TSC they had some ww fluid still in full cases & bought 2, 31 gals in each tire total. The 12 more gals made the load feel rock solid. I upgraded the FEL lift...
  11. shvl73

    Homemade Round bale Feeder

    Not a bad idea BC. I got some tire ballast loaded today, I'll see if it is more stable. If not, going to try your idea.
  12. shvl73

    Homemade Round bale Feeder

    Thanks guys! I used 1-1/2" EMT and rolled the basket with a Harbor Freight tubing roller. I coated the welds with cold galvanized spray before they cooled, as it was below freezing on most of the days I worked on it. I've only loaded it twice with the bale on it's side against the bucket, held...
  13. shvl73

    Homemade Round bale Feeder

    Here is a recent project. I had a terrible year for hay, equiptment issues, weather, work schedule, etc. So I have been buying some 4x4 wrapped rounds for my two steers & peeling the hay off & feeding it out morning & night, with a bit of waste. I decided to try making a cradle style feeder...
  14. shvl73

    Mahindra 4110 early model

    I just did a quick search on Wix filters and they show 3 listings for the 4110, all use the #51381 oil filter. look...
  15. shvl73

    Looking for info on a log splitter

    How much wood do you burn per year? I have a cheapo china special I bought at Home Cheapo a couple of years ago. It stills runs & splits anything I have. I wont say it's for everyone, though. I wouldn't have bought it if it was more than the $600 I paid. It goes vertical for the the large pieces...
  16. shvl73

    6 ft brush hog work on Massey 1433V tractor

    I looked it up on and it shows 33hp gross w/ 26.3/27 hp at the pto, (hydro/gear). I run a 5' w/22+ pto hp and it does fairly well. I think you'll be ok.
  17. shvl73

    12V Hydraulic FEL

    Those tractors are pretty cool!
  18. shvl73

    adjustable lift arms?

    I'd call Pat's and ask if they knew for sure. I made my own crude set patterned after another brand but, I really don't use them. I'll have to put them back on when I take the snowblower off in a month or so. They worked ok, I ended up taking them off for some reason and never put them back on.
  19. shvl73

    IT has SPRUNG

    58* yesterday & now it's 18* with strong gusty winds & sporadic power outages. Should be approaching 0* tonight. New England weather keeps us on our toes. Let's hope March is good to us!
  20. shvl73

    TYM Tractors

    I'd think what you've described so far could easily be handled with the T233 HST; A 48' tiller would work well, even with the rear wheels slightly over 52". My 2810 is almost 64"w & my tiller is a 60". it rips into the soil so well that it is well...