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  1. AdamsRepair

    RTV HST Adjustments

    It has just dawned on me........For the people that do the adjustments in this String and have Tributes problem with the lever not going to the .040" mark. The lever on the servo valve stem may have slipped due to a previous maladjusted linkage. Say if the rod was to tight and the lever bottomed...
  2. AdamsRepair

    Here's a "Talk About Anything" thread

    Too much time and money
  3. AdamsRepair

    Hello! and questions

    Just watched your Video. Bummer!! Most common cause of bottom end problems on these, starts with a cracked head. They then get a little hydro locked, and or the water washes the cylinder down and they try to seize. That's when this happens. At least it has been my experience the bottom ends...
  4. AdamsRepair

    Worn Valve Plates Causing Slow Traveling Speed?

    Sticking brakes The Kubota engines and transmissions I work on, are run in a underground mine. So they get run hard with very little care. They get run through mud and water all day, sometimes through cement water. They are always over loaded and run up and down steep ramp systems, at full...
  5. AdamsRepair

    RTV HST Adjustments

    Hey me37250 Isn't that my craftsman ratchet in the picture?? Was wondering where that went ha ha ha
  6. AdamsRepair

    RTV HST Adjustments

    Be real careful. (Quote me37250) ""The first challenge is removing the allen head port plugs. They are sealed with a thread sealant similar to lock-tite, so they usually feel like they are stuck. Be very careful, or you'll round out the recessed allen hex. I usually scrape around the edges with...
  7. AdamsRepair

    Worn Valve Plates Causing Slow Traveling Speed?

    RTV transmissions CHECK OUT THIS album I kind of know a little about them.
  8. AdamsRepair

    Worn Valve Plates Causing Slow Traveling Speed?

    me37250 Here is the real pisser.... You can pull the motor cylinder out wth the shaft. "BUT"" it comes real hard. 2 small heel bars and some tapping. The shaft is a lite press fit into a bearing in the case. ""BUT"" when you do this in the machine the spline coupling on the inside sometimes...
  9. AdamsRepair

    Worn Valve Plates Causing Slow Traveling Speed?

    Hello me37250 Nice pictures, If you plan on changing the brass plates Get the plate kit K7571-91374 comes with gaskets and instructions.. The finish on the face of the cylinder assy. Needs to be flat with new plates. I take mine to a hydraulics shop and have them put on the lapping table. Then...
  10. AdamsRepair

    RTV HST Adjustments

    Here is some from other posts
  11. AdamsRepair

    RTV HST Adjustments

    Now fella's If you have the time. And you want to really mess with things, you can remove the orfices (both of them) feeding oil to the servo piston (later models are already omitted). Then shim your charge relief to a pressure of about 85-90 psi. Now you will have more launching power, but most...
  12. AdamsRepair

    RTV HST Adjustments

    If it don't bogg the engine on take off at any point, and the engine torque keeps up with the trans torque. Then you will not really gain that much. But for the tweeker that you may be, you could relocate the hole for the "T" cable on either end to get more throw, and someone in this string had...
  13. AdamsRepair

    RTV HST Adjustments

    When you unhook the throttle cable from the cam lever assy. will the foot feed make the cam lever go to the full stop? Can't you adjust the throttle cable to hit full throttle after the cam lever hits full stop? What is stopping the HST control rod from traveling to the stop? Sounds like the...
  14. AdamsRepair

    RTV HST Adjustments

    Cool Tribute100, how is your shifting? and was there any creep? I like your POST it lets people know that there are way more variables, and adjustments that can effect your performance.
  15. AdamsRepair

    RTV HST Adjustments

    The generator sets with the 902 engine run at 3600 rpm all day(SAME ENGINE DIFFERENT GOV CONTROLS) You decide! I would bump it up a little.
  16. AdamsRepair

    RTV HST Adjustments

    There are many variables that can effect your proper adjustment. Is your cam lever assy. going from stop to stop? If not Loosen the throttle cable and control rod so they won't effect anything, readjust the cable from the pedal so Cam lever assy. goes as far as it will toward the no throttle...
  17. AdamsRepair

    RTV HST Adjustments

    I don't want to lead you astray.. I'm kind of a hands on type person. Let me get my book back out and do some research, before I lead you down the wrong path. But Yes if the lever is that far off the .040" mark you may not be getting full speed out of the unit. I will get back to you.. Jim
  18. AdamsRepair


    Spud Hauler I'm looking into Murphy switches and gauges, to use on these mining vehicles. But not roll over switches.. Shouldn't be to hard to set up.
  19. AdamsRepair


    Is this a different story from Short Strides? If the head is OK. and the cam is OK. It would be about $2700 to $2800 for me to rebuild. The D1105 engine. That is a new crank, 1 new rod, Bored .5 mm over sized, new pistons, Valves and seats checked, head checked, maybe milled. These little...
  20. AdamsRepair


    The little Kubota's are famous for not blowing the head gasket but cracking the head, when they get that hot. And if he ran it until it stopped, most surely the piston or pistons are scored and the rings stuck. I have seen this so many times, I lost track. Oh sure you may get it to run...