RTV X900G-A Bogs Down Badly


New member
I have a 2021 RTV X900G-A, about 550 hrs. I’m not sure if I have a problem or not. When I go up hill it bogs down bad, sometimes I have to stop and let it “downshift” and then it will struggle on occasion. All fluids and filters have been changed, with kubota parts. If I remember correctly the transmission is a CVT, I don’t think it changes the fluid path correctly. Any ideas what I’m over looking? If you need more information let me know. Thanks for your help.

A side note, neighbor has an RTV 1100, he told me his has started doing the same thing.
The power train is a diesel engine that drives a hydrostat than in turn drives a gear transmission. What bogs down? Does the engine loose rpm? When this happens does it smoke? Are you on an incline and how is it loaded
The power train is a diesel engine that drives a hydrostat than in turn drives a gear transmission. What bogs down? Does the engine loose rpm? When this happens does it smoke? Are you on an incline and how is it loaded
Welcome to the forum.
The first thing that comes to mind is the spark arrestor. Have you checked it for
Welcome to the forum.
The first thing that comes to mind is the spark arrestor. Have you checked it for clogging?
I have not checked it but I will tomorrow morning. Thanks.
The power train is a diesel engine that drives a hydrostat than in turn drives a gear transmission. What bogs down? Does the engine loose rpm? When this happens does it smoke? Are you on an incline and how is it loaded
The engine rpm go down, I have had it die in the past when it bogs down to much. I’d doesn’t smoke, it is mostly empty. It is going up a small grade but it’s not a long distance. I will get a running start but it still loses rpm really bad.
Ok thanks. Your engine shouldn't bog down or die. So as others have said it would be good to start simple. Pull out the spark arrestor from the end of the tailpipe if it had one or if it is the other kind you remove the plug on the bottom of the muffler and gently tap with a rubber mallet while engine idles. Next would be to change both air filters and change the fuel filter. Try all that then tell us if it helps
Try backing off the go-pedal to about 1/2 way. Mashing the pedal to the floor isn't the right approach on hills.
Ok thanks. Your engine shouldn't bog down or die. So as others have said it would be good to start simple. Pull out the spark arrestor from the end of the tailpipe if it had one or if it is the other kind you remove the plug on the bottom of the muffler and gently tap with a rubber mallet while engine idles. Next would be to change both air filters and change the fuel filter. Try all that then tell us if it helps
I got side tracked from this, cows knocked an old fence down. I started to take the bolt out of the side/bottom of muffler but it’s tight. I can turn it a couple times and then it almost seizes up. I tightened it back up. I’m going to get some anti seize spray today and try again. I just completely serviced the machine, fuel filter and air filter were included in this service. I’ll try again today and get back with y’all.
As BCZOOM said, before you panic, make sure you are not mashing the pedal to the floor going up hills. Although empty you should still be able to do that.
I can stall mine climbing my hills with the pedal to the floor, but if I lift off the throttle as it bog down, it recovers and can climb no problem with a full load of gravel in the box and the vee plow or blower on the front which are over 460 pounds on their own.