As much as i like and admire the rtvx1100c i will just give you my honest opinion of your question. What you need is either a skid steer or another toolcat. From your description the rtv will just be grossly overloaded and will eventually fail. But knowing that it still is the best...
My ac compressor runs off of the same belt as the fan and alternator. I suspect you may have some sort of emissions that i dont have? Or a hydraulic pump for the accessories?
No i can't unless you take a pic of the driven unit. My x1100c doesn't have that arrangement but i also don't have a front drive or kconnect on mine. By chance are you outside the usa.
You have a front snow blower or a k connect? Take out the single cross bolt in the drive shaft and retract the shaft a little. Loosen the belts and replace
Loosen the alternator and replace the belt with a new one. Your water pump isn't turning. The noise you describe was probably the loose belt slipping. 96 hours? I have over a thousand hours on the oem belt
Yep your not going to hurt anything at 3600 rpm. The engine can handle much more without problems but the hydrostat is a different question. I think above 3800 to 4000 rpm the pumps can't fill and will cavitation occur then destruction. But at 3600 your well in spec.
The stuff on the plug is just from the gearcase. It is normal. If you want to know what's in the hst you'll have to cut the filters. Make sure you drain the gear case and the tank because they are separate
Ok thanks. Your engine shouldn't bog down or die. So as others have said it would be good to start simple. Pull out the spark arrestor from the end of the tailpipe if it had one or if it is the other kind you remove the plug on the bottom of the muffler and gently tap with a rubber mallet...
The power train is a diesel engine that drives a hydrostat than in turn drives a gear transmission. What bogs down? Does the engine loose rpm? When this happens does it smoke? Are you on an incline and how is it loaded
Sorry i don't have any current sources. The availability and prices of these have improved greatly over the years. My tool is manufactured by OTC for caterpillar but it is a service tool that has photo a magnetic and the pulse clamp. It isn't something you dash mount like on a tractor. I...
I use a tach made for caterpillar by otc that has an injector line pickup on it but just for service. A photo tach works pretty good also as do those little laser type.
Change the hst oil once a year or every 250 hours whichever occurs first. Use only sudt oil. There are commercial units out there with many tens of thousands of hours on them that haven't been touched except for maintenance. Then there is the low hour machine that has the same oil waiting...
With 26 inch tires at 20 psi the extra diameter increases the ratio so i get 31 mph on good hard flat road. It will carry 28 on a grade. Speed checked with gps