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  1. AdamsRepair

    RTV HST Adjustments

    Boomin, The only differences between the 1100/1140 and the 900 trans. is the bellhousing bolt pattern. and the 1140 has more brake disc than the 900. There are some spring differences inside but that should not affect any adjustments you may make. Hard shifting,, almost always the neutral...
  2. AdamsRepair

    RTV HST Adjustments

    Remember!!!! there are 3 different kinds of valve plates out there. Black steel rear section of tranny. The first generation RTV's had no external means of relieving the pressure for shifting. Second Gen.. has 2 spool valves on the left side, hooked to brake linkage, which relieves residual...
  3. AdamsRepair

    RTV900 Injection problem

    COOl back up an running. My pump guy in Spokane wont rebuild these little EXEcel pumps. He says it is just as cost effective to buy a new one. I don't know just taking his word for it..
  4. AdamsRepair

    RTV900 Injection problem

    I should have read this string better... On the lift pump, once I had a lift pump with just one check valve working. It pumped fuel seemed OK but it was just not enough,, I can't find anywhere what the lift pump pressure should be. Humm!!
  5. AdamsRepair

    RTV900 Injection problem

    From the top of the pump you get the delivery valve spring, valve, seat and shim. The rest of the parts come out the bottom, but I don't advise taking it apart each plunger has to be timed to the rack in the right starting position. I've done it but special attetion has to be made. each...
  6. AdamsRepair

    RTV900 Injection problem

    I have rebuilt many many D902 engines for RTV's.. All of these suggestions are great. Always best to go back to the basics. AIR Fuel Compression. I test run every engine, so I have found all kinds of little issues with these little buggers. AIR= remove tube from intake, then like suggested pull...
  7. AdamsRepair

    ATV & UTV Talk

    weekend fun
  8. AdamsRepair

    ATV & UTV Talk

    Bighorn 2.0 Junk :myopinion:Just my opinion! It depends on what you use them on I guess, on a four wheeler they are probably great. I know on my 700 Raptor I like a softer sidewall and a square tire profile, for handling. They hook up out of a corner best. But on a Can-Am commander side by side...
  9. AdamsRepair

    Another rebuild RTV 900 Trans

    YES YES It is the dark side of it:brows: You see people pic's of their nice pretty clean machines, So proud of them. Even the pic's of the muddy ones (just a little risque). But the pic's of the innards laying on the floor(WOW hard core). Truly the DARK :whip:
  10. AdamsRepair

    Adams Repair, Engine and tranny's everywhere

    You have to remember these are not normal people. They are underground miners, you have to be half nuts, half brave, half strong, half mean to do the work they do anyway. How many half's in a whole?? Most are twice the man I am, just hard on the quipment. They break rock for a living, use...
  11. AdamsRepair

    Adams Repair, Engine and tranny's everywhere!620&authkey=!AE7nkWwPycEytNM&v=3
  12. AdamsRepair

    You bent what??

    [/IMG] D1105 on the right, D902 on the Left. RESULTED from overheating and cracking the head. Then running it or trying to start it with cylinder full of water. Did find a bent rod once from a seized piston. WOW they got that one hot. Had to beat the piston out of the block. The machine shop...
  13. AdamsRepair

    Another rebuild RTV 900 Trans

    [/IMG] Notice the broken shift fork in the background.....We have replaced many of these. Broken from operator error and improper adjustments. The Drive coupling between engine and Trans should be changed anytime they are separated. There are "O" Rings and special grease on the shaft. They...
  14. AdamsRepair


    JohnDeere is making a new tractor, It has no seat, and no steering wheel. When asked why they said it is for all those farmers that have lost their asses and don't know which way to turn.
  15. AdamsRepair

    It just stopped all the sudden!

    This RTV trans was sent to me to rebuild. There are no teeth left on the pinion, they ran it until it did not move at all. Then they kept trying to make it go until all the teeth were licked off like a child's ice cream cone.
  16. AdamsRepair

    Battery Tester

    Cool................when the light gets dim I squint...BAtteries what dang batteries!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. AdamsRepair

    Hello from N Idaho Kubota RTV eng's trans

    Truck bed coating by "Dupli-Color" purchased at NAPA (Go Napa). Have tried others but getting them to stay on under brutal conditions is tough. Dupi-Color seems to work well on a clean ruffed up surface.:thumb:
  18. AdamsRepair

    rtv vht transmission

    Not sure on the 1100, but between the 900 and a 1140 tranny differences are the bell-housing size, the 1140 trans has more brake disc's. Also depends on the years, early models had no pressure release to ease shifting (internal leakage was used), then came the brake actuated relief along with...
  19. AdamsRepair

    It just stopped all the sudden! Check out the pinion on top. You think maybe just maybe it made a little noise first. lol
  20. AdamsRepair

    Hello from N Idaho Kubota RTV eng's trans

    I will rebuild engines for a new customer. Yes. Transmissions too, but like I said I have no cores. I do have 1 ea 1140 series, maybe 2 ea 900 series transmissions that are rebuild-able. But I did not put them back into service due to thin or holes in the cases from Mag chloride eating at them...