I understand your reluctance to cut away three inches off of the high pressure line! Frankly, I was convinced that there has to be a better way than cutting away some of my line, so I tried everything…including buying a separate (good used) 18mm pressure line, welding in ‘T’s for both the pressure and return line, plumbing directly to IN-OUT, or IN-PBY and finally PBY-OUT…it doesn’t work. In each case the pump screamed and was within seconds of shearing the pin, or worse, blowing the pump case.
All of the above was done after I spoke with Koyker and a independent hydraulics specialty shop, both said it should work but it does not!.
Absolutely (positively) convinced I was doing this the right way, I finally talked with four dealers who specialize in Yanmar tractors and parts (including Aaron Murry from Hoye - who’s drawing Mith attached a link to). All of them said, and this defies ALL logic, “Cut and remove 3” of the pressure line ONLY, install 2, 90° x 18 mm compression fittings aimed at the loader control valve, attach two hoses, one at the IN, the other at the OUT and your done….I did, and I was. And I have since done this on three other FEL’s without a single hitch. They work perfectly in conjunction with the rear 3PH.
So, and quite honestly, all you need are 2 fittings and 2 hoses. I bought my fittings from Koyker and they were about $17.50 each (ouch) and the hoses I got from TSC for around $9.00 each.
Sorry, it’s raining too heavy to take pictures…but I’ll take some when it lets up if you still want them.