This afternoon I stopped by in Sacramento and bought a tiller. They have been advertising implements, new Howse stuff and imported tillers, on Craigslist/Sacramento. There was one old tiller, the model intended for my tractor, that they had considered was too rough to clean up for sale. 'It's over 30 years old!' the owner said. Looks fine to me! I've looked it over and I don't see any reason it won't till ok. It looks like it sat in a boneyard for a decade or so, however. A little bent around the ears but I can fix that.
For frankly a toy, the price was right. It is complete with driveshaft, rear crossbar, and spare tines, but they didn't have the wheels. They said this was one of the last models to have wheels so don't worry about it. I will make some if needed. I can't wait to try it out!
Also while I was there, they had an orphan Yanmar loader I considered buying for resale since the price was right. He said it came off a Yanmar F18 but will fit F195. Either would need a mount fabricated for it. There's a small bucket included. Mark, Ernie, should I get it or walk on by? How much is something like that worth?
For frankly a toy, the price was right. It is complete with driveshaft, rear crossbar, and spare tines, but they didn't have the wheels. They said this was one of the last models to have wheels so don't worry about it. I will make some if needed. I can't wait to try it out!
Also while I was there, they had an orphan Yanmar loader I considered buying for resale since the price was right. He said it came off a Yanmar F18 but will fit F195. Either would need a mount fabricated for it. There's a small bucket included. Mark, Ernie, should I get it or walk on by? How much is something like that worth?
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