Routing wires for lightbar

OK, it wasn't my last. Picked up a lightbar for the front and back. As lights appear to be an accessory for the Kubota, can anyone tell me if there is prewire in the ROPS, or how they wired up the rops? I know how I do it on my tractor but if I can run inside without drilling....

Secondly, I bought a rocker switch, any surprises under the panel I need to know about? Is it pre-wired to make this all easier?
So bringing this issue back up to the top. Spent the day going over the RTV and this website, and I am confused. I have a base model RTVx900. 2014 version.

My question to you all is that it looks like some of the RTV's have a wiring harness that runs up the ROPS and provides power for the lights.

I dug around on my machine and there is no wiring harness that I can tell running inside the ROPS (Open cab, plastic black canopy roof).

If there is no loom inside the ROPS how is everyone running wire to their overhead lights? My method I use on my tractor is to use Calk to cover the wire, gluing it to the ROPS tube (not a fan of drilling ROPS).

Can anyone share how they deal with lights on their machine?
I used some schedule 40 pipe and ran it up the back of the screen. I thought about using something that wasn't has hard/rigid but went with the pipe figuring it would better withstand impacts from firewood or whatever goes in the bed.

It routes down to the battery then up and under the roof. I have a ceiling panel mounted to the bottom of the ROPS and all wiring, switches, stereo amp... are all between the roof and ceiling panels.

I just heated the pipe to make the bends and secured it using zip ties. Painted it to match.


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OK, Thanks everyone. So there is no way (without drilling) to run the wires in the ROPS, which I kinda figured. Running the wires up the back is a very interesting idea. Our issue is we are so heavily treed here that any dangling wire becomes a target. On my tractor the only way to protect the wires was using the silicone. Works great and is very unobtrusive. But my tractor the ROPS are mounted in the front, not behind the drivers seat like most machines.