Kubota RTV 900 transmission problem - hardley moves in gear!


New member
Recently bought a RTV 900 Kubota, with about 620 hours on it, there's a problem with the transmission. You can start it up and when you go to put it in gear to drive it doesn't move. I've got it to move about 5 feet a few times forward and reverse and every once in a while it will move but most of the time it will not. Replaced the filters and the fluids already and engine sounds just fine, doesn't bog down or anything when it's running, sounds normal. Where should I be looking in the transmission? Should I be looking to replace the whole transmission or is if possible just to replace something in the transmission, I'd rather do that if at all possible!

Thanks for all the replies ahead of time!
The only thing i can offer is make sure the pedal is actually moving whatever part it hooks to on the transmission beyond that I am out. Welcome to the forum
Hi and welcome to the forum. If it were me, I check these things .
I'd jack up the rear and check the ujoints and also the splines on the axles/hubs. There have been a few cases to where the splines were damaged s and so had no "grip " to turn the wheels. If the ujoints are broken , it could also cause that.
While it was jacked up, I'd manually rotate the wheels and see how they spin. Does the motor turn the wheels when they are jacked up?
It could also be the shift linkage being out of adjustment.. check the cable from the shifter to the transmission.
Maybe check the parking brake adjustment too-
good luck, bordercollie
edit: congratulations on your RTV :)
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Hi and welcome to the forum. If it were me, I check these things .
I'd jack up the rear and check the ujoints and also the splines on the axles/hubs. There have been a few cases to where the splines were damaged s and so had no "grip " to turn the wheels. If the ujoints are broken , it could also cause that.
While it was jacked up, I'd manually rotate the wheels and see how they spin. Does the motor turn the wheels when they are jacked up?
It could also be the shift linkage being out of adjustment.. check the cable from the shifter to the transmission.
Maybe check the parking brake adjustment too-
good luck, bordercollie
edit: congratulations on your RTV :)

If it was the back axial, wouldn't it move in 4x4?
Yes it would. It would also move if the diff lock was engaged.

The pedal linkage system is a bit complex. Will take some studying to figure out if it's working properly. Certainly want to check that.

I think on this forum there was a discussion about how to pressure test the drive system? Maybe the author of that discussion will see this and chime in.
If it was the back axial, wouldn't it move in 4x4?

Yes, The front wheels should have pulled it if it was in 4 wd- if the shaft is connected under there. ( once someone bought a used RTV without a 4 wd shaft is why I say (if) . ) I would check the linkage and parking brake and eliminate that stuff and go from there. collie
The HST system is very complex so the WSM offers simple guidance in troubleshooting. Hopefully this is readable.


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Go to the Messicks eqpt site and you can view diagrams of the RTV models' different areas as far as exploded views. you will need to sign in - a Kubota headquarters requirement - but it is all legitimate . That link will take you to a page with frequently used parts but choose diagrams from the horizontal list at the top of the page and sign in . If a person doesn't sign in then they can't view the diagrams.
The shop manual leaves a lot to be desired but a cd of it can be bought on lines now a days for less than $10. Ebay has them from several sources.

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I was also just recently informed that before it completely wouldn't pull you would have to keep shifting up and down to get it to go, I guess this could be an early sign of what's wrong with it. You would have to shift up and down a few times before it would actually start go. I also recently read online that you shouldn't sift unless the engine is fully idled down, or it will cause issues with the transmission. I can confirm that this happened several times with this Kubota. Don't know if this helps or tells what's wrong with it or not, just wanted to add it here.
When you replaced the fluid and filters, did you go with OEM filters and UDT or SUDT fluid?
There's a 1000 horror stories about using aftermarket filters and fluid.
When you replaced the fluid and filters, did you go with OEM filters and UDT or SUDT fluid?
There's a 1000 horror stories about using aftermarket filters and fluid.

Went to a Kubota shop near me, bought the expensive stuff, the stuff they recommended. Costed $130 just for the 2 filters and 3 GAL of oil.
Not sure what it is but I have the part numbers.. If that helps at all..
Part Number: HHK7214080 (Desc: K756114080)
Part Number: HHK7014070 (Desc: K756114070 FILT)
Part Number: 1G34 (Desc: 3 Oil Gal)

I'll post a pic here in a few mins of the receipt.

EDIT: Filters are Kubota brand.
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My sudt2 is $121 for 5 gallons and the filters I buy as a package- I think about 87 delivered. collie
The shifting issue you are talking about is totally separate from the HVT system in the sense that you are simply selecting 3 speeds forward and reverse with the shift lever. You are not impacting the HVT drive with that function.

So if you are saying the only way the previous owner could get it to go was by shifting between one of the forward gears and/or reverse repeatedly sounds like there's maybe an issue with the shifter not putting it in gear???

Really need more info to confirm that.....

So, if I were there and messed with it, the only way I would be able to get it to go would be by changing gears repeatedly until finally it would move??? And when I was successful would it move as it should until I changed gears again and then it would quit??

Sorry for the stupid questions, just trying to understand the logistics of what's going on. :)
no movement

Being on a very stiff learning curve here and I wish I wasn't.I would say the forks are broke in the trans if the cables move the shifter arm back and forth then you are going inside the trans forks bent or broke. I think this thing don't know that it is in gear diff lock or 4 wheel drive shows hubs or drive lines are ok.JOE
So I wonder.... is the shifter floppy when trying to shift or can you feel it go into gear and the RTV only moves sometimes? With only 620 hrs on it, I am hopeful there is just linkage out of adjustment. The fork could be bent and that would account for it working a little bit... Those forks are notorious for causing grief if forced into gears.... I believe it was Doggman that had one stuck in reverse years ago... collie

http://www.nettractortalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=11383&highlight=stuck+reverse There is a diagram of the shifter fork on my post of 11/ 07/ 15 on this thread of doggman's.
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