It's been so dry here even big trees are wilting, Our ponds are drying up and ... it's just awful. We just lost 3 registered bulls because it is just so hot for so long, not even nights are cool- even the ground is hot without moisture. I think we have had about an inch of rain in over 2 months. Any way I decided I was going to clean out one of the ponds with the skid steer and dirt bucket . I went around the edge and was distracted and edged into the bad stuff. Yep, I was stuck on 1 side and couldn't dig out with the bucket- It just made it worse.My nephew and I tried the old tired JD4020 and no avail then added the 4x4 truck with my Sis -no luck , Then I looked to the Heavens and went for the Kioti. I had my doubts but it worked . Nephew Pulled me right out slow and steady In Low 1 4x4 as I worked the controls in the skid steer .These pictures don't seem to show the actual depth of the mud . It looks much more dramatic on location ...Thank Goodness that prayer was answered now.... Praying for rain, Bordercollie