Toboggan's don't have a suspension


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OK, I've got hills... Then the kids ask for a downhill ramp to launch themselves (as the kids down the road have a ramp).
I hook them up. I take the tractor and make a pile about 5' tall. At least double the size of the neighbors ramp.
OK, I'm the Guiney pig and take the first launch. Not bad...
My 10-year-old daughter joins me for the 2nd trip.
We come flying down the hill and hit the ramp. She bails off and does a head-dive into the snow ramp. No damage to her...
Well, I hang on. Next thing I know, I'm 6-8' up in the air on this toboggan and flying fast.
Then comes the landing...
I hit so hard that I heard every bone in my back crack. I actually thought I may have broke one of them. The toboggan hit square on the ground and the only thing that offered compression or suspension was my back.
I crawled off and laid there. I told the kids to get the phone and get ready to call 911. I then told my son (6 years old) that if I pass out as I thought I was going to to count to 30. If I don't wake up in 30, call 911.

Well, I'm moving again but damn, does my back hurt.

Be careful sledding out there...


I am glad to hear that your are OK at least for now, In the morning will tell the big story. Its is good that you and the kids did have some fun before things fell apart.</P>


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<FONT color=#a9a9a9>Well, I'm moving again but damn, does my back hurt.</FONT></P>

<FONT color=#a9a9a9></FONT></P>

<FONT color=#a9a9a9></FONT><FONT color=#ff0000 size=4>My God Brian,</FONT></P>

<FONT color=#ff0000 size=4> I'm glad your still livin', but your right, " DAMN " ~~~~~ nest time, call CNN or CSPAN, so they can put ya'll on a satellite, and we corn feed boys down here can watch ~~~ <FONT color=#808080>just a messin' with ya buddy ~~~</FONT></FONT></P>

<FONT color=#808080 size=4>Next time, purchase one of 'em toboggan's with air bags ~~~~~ might soften up the impact a little ********</FONT></P>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><FONT color=#0000ff> <FONT face=JohnHancock size=5>Two Guns ~~~~~</FONT></FONT></FONT></DIV>

Brian don't do that!!!!!</P>


I hope you are ok.. and just bruised. When I was reading it.. and read the 5' jump.. I thought boy that's high..!!!</P>

Hey if you heal up and aren't turned off from tobaggans.. We have a big race up here.. National championship race. It was a couple of weeks ago. They have this long wooden shute.. that is iced down.. and it dumps you out on a frozen lake. It is a 3 day event.. with hundreds of teams. Some take it very seriously... for others it is a big party. </P>

I have friends that have a camp directly across the lake from the event. If the lake is clear ice and not covered in snow. [where it is very near the coast.. that is fairly common] the tobaggans make it all the way across the lake...</P>

take care</P>

[quote user="TWO GUNS"]

<FONT color=#a9a9a9>Well, I'm moving again but damn, does my back hurt.</FONT></P>

<FONT color=#a9a9a9></FONT></P>

<FONT color=#a9a9a9></FONT><FONT color=#ff0000 size=4>My God Brian,</FONT></P>

<FONT color=#ff0000 size=4> I'm glad your still livin', but your right, " DAMN " ~~~~~ nest time, call CNN or CSPAN, so they can put ya'll on a satellite, and we corn feed boys down here can watch ~~~ <FONT color=#808080>just a messin' with ya buddy ~~~</FONT></FONT></P>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><FONT color=#0000ff> <FONT face=JohnHancock size=5>Two Guns ~~~~~</FONT></FONT></FONT>

[/quote] At least a video for youtube [:)]</P>


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Down here, we have never been blessed to have that much snow ~~maybe once every four to six years ~~ but , when we do, it a all around get together on the levee. Figured, once we grew up, that would go away. But don't believe it really ever goes away. </P>

When it did snow, we would take old car hoods, drag 'em up the levee, and ride 'em down. But there was a trick to this, before this was done. Somebody had to go cut the barbed-wire at the bottom of the levee.For we had one kid when I was young, damn near killed himself hittin' that wire.... Remember it well, for all the parents threatend all of us, if we ever even thought about that stunt again, they would wear out our britches . ( they were talkin' to some hard headed farm boys )</P>

Also, during some snows, used to rope a cow, have one end tied to the animal, the other to a make shift sled of some sort, mostly, them old hoods, and that cow would take off and dragg us until it couldn't go anymore. Then, we'd rope another !!! That was back when nobody had any troubles what so ever .....</P>

Heck, one year, when I was no more than sixteen or seventeen, took my old truck up the levee, snow covered and the very top was iced over thick, started doing crazy stunts on that ice, lost control, and flipped the truckall waydown the levee, think they said itrolled four or five times >>>. Like to have scared the hell out of me.That was aboutone hour after I was told by my father I better not get up on that levee with that ice on it .... Boy, did I pay for that one from my father. Them memories, ( & nightmares ) are still there !!!</P>


D&D Farm

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As a videographer, one begins to say that it needs to be on tape for the world to see................Perhaps you fella's have proven what my 7th grade lit teacher tried to get into our young minds.................that we have those minds to paint those pictures with words........ohhhh thank you both so for painting those pictures tonight............Brian, you will be talked about in grand stories for so many years to generations not even thought about............Jamie.........just love those home made sleds, cardboard boxes, and yes the car hoods going down the only slope in 4 counties/parishes.............thanks glad His plan keeps us going.........Dennis


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sounds painfull man . you need to leave that stuff up to the young people.


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I am glad to hear you are still with us BCZOOM.I hope and pray your back gets back to normal asap. You had a run in with another piece of equipment a few years ago is that right?Youmust beone neat Dad though. Wow.. I bet the neighbor kids are jealous!!Bordercollie[&][&]


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I have all the repect in the world for Bczoom spending time with his children .I think it is a wonderful thing . My hat goes off to you Brian !!! You are a good father !!!! [:D]</P>

That's what is wrong with the world today, the parents don't spent quality time with their children. Which leads up to problems down the road, the children loose repect for their family, theirselves, and society itself, and the other troubles of life start showing up .... Not here to judge anyone !!!! But folks today expect everyone else to raise they young-ins' , they let 'em run loose, drop 'em off at malls, bowling alleys, movie houses, just dumping off on the grandparents house and not showing back up for days, etc , they are expecting everyone else to " baby-sit " their children. That is wrong, EVERYBODY needs to spend all the time with the younger children, teach the respect and qualities of life itself .... World is turning in a very fast pace, but it don't take a minute to tell your children how much you love them, and don't take much time just to spend with them to show them the values of life itself !!!!!!!</P>

And yes, I still believe in discipline, spankings, and going on threw with the consequences that was you told your children would happen if they done the wrong thing !!!!</P>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT></DIV>

***** Threating them don't get you nowhere !!!</P>


~~~~~~~~~~ jamie >>>>>> ( Two Guns )</P>
<P style="__styleDocument: [object]">Two Guns,,,,,,,,,,</P>
<P style="__styleDocument: [object]">Does Bczoom go away on weekends???????? I haven't seen a post since his accident............I hope he is not in the hospital.................Do you have any idea if he is away????????</P>
<P style="__styleDocument: [object]">Rusty Anvil,,,,,</P>


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OK, I'm alive.
I spent the last 36 hours in bed as I couldn't move. Anything but laying flat just hurt too much.
I don't like pain killers but glad I had some left from when I got my wisdom teeth pulled a couple years back (they pulled all 4 in one sitting...). They're taking the edge off so I can move around a bit today.
The spinal area seems OK but it feels like someone took a baseball bat to my right kidney and that general area.
Although I can move, I can only bend at the legs. Lifting is out of the question. That stinks as I was planning on hanging a bunch of plywood this weekend (most of which was a ceiling). That'll have to wait a couple weeks.

[quote user="hammerhead"]Hey if you heal up and aren't turned off from tobaggans.[/quote]
I'll be back on the toboggan... I've been smashed up by "thinks" more than once and still get back on them. I think the incident that BorderCollie mentioned was my ATV wreck. I broke 9 bones (5 ribs, clavicle, arm & wrist in 2 places). I did drive that ATV home and went to the hospital the next day. After getting out of the CCU/ICU after a few weeks, I was back on that ATV (with the cast still on my arm)...

[quote user="hammerhead"]They have this long wooden shute.. that is
iced down.. and it dumps you out on a frozen lake. It is a 3 day
HOLY COW Glenn!!! Our sled/toboggan runs (unless being towed) are only 20-30 seconds. That must be one heck of a shute if you have a 3-day long ride. [:p]

I do spend a lot of time with my kids. I'm self-employed and set my own schedule and hours. I get them off to school and greet them at the bus stop when they get home. If it's a nice day to be outside (no rain or whatever), I'll have my work done and take the kids outside. We'll sled, ride ATV's, play in the sandbox, shoot guns or whatever. It doesn't matter what we're doing as we have fun whatever it is.
Here's a couple pics from last summer when my son got to ride his first piece of equipment solo.
He was smiling from ear-to-ear.
Brian ... good to hear from you.. and know your home. hmm although knowing you waited a day after that ATV accident before you went to the hospital... means that you could still have some serious injuries. </P>


on the 3 day toboggan race... It is a loooong way across that lake... and they have to walk back [:)]</P>


<P style="__styleDocument: [object]">Glad to hear that you are moving your fingers....[:)] You may have some internal injuries........It is up to you, I won't tell you what to do, but a quick trip to the emercency room might be in order....Why take a chance that you won't be able to go out and play with your kids anymore.....Let the Doctor check you out...........Sorry, I won't preach anymore.........</P>
<P style="__styleDocument: [object]">Rusty Anvil,,,,,,,,,</P>


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Thanks for your thoughts guys.

Rusty - A "quick" trip to the hospital was considered but not an easy option. The local hospital isn't very good (OK, it's so bad, I wouldn't go there to get stitches in a finger). The hospital I'd need to go to is an hour away in an urban area (making it at least a 10 hour trip). From my "self diagnosis", I didn't break my back and only did some bruising. I don't have any chills, nausea, vomiting or blood in urine so I don't believe any blood vessels have been broken.

I'm getting better daily.

[quote user="hammerhead"]hmm although knowing you waited a day after that ATV accident before you went to the hospital... means that you could still have some serious injuries.[/quote]
Just mental but it's said I've had those since I was much younger. They checked me out thoroughly.

I believe Evil Knievel holds the Guiness World record for the most broken bones. If breaks in the nose count, I caught him years ago...


Did anyone else getthe banner ad on the previous page for The web crawlers must have picked you up as a poster boy for sledding. Kinda weird... </P>

If you get shooting pains in the arms or legsor pins and needle feelingsdon't mess around - get to a doc. </P>



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OK, TWO GUNS asked how I'm doing in another thread. Thanks Jamie for asking!

I'm finally planning on calling the MD (tomorrow...). I've been procrastinating as I didn't want to hear the results. It (the wipe-out) happened about 9 days ago but the family (my siblings, their kids & my mom) had a pre-planned mini-vacation at one of the largest water parks in the country scheduled for this weekend and I didn't want to hear that I couldn't go. I (and Mrs. Zoom/kids) live a couple hundred miles away from my family (siblings/parents) and we don't see each other much. I didn't want to stop or hinder everyone getting together.

We did the trip/vacation and got home a couple hours ago. The kids had a wonderful time. I obviously avoided the big rides and spent a lot of time with my young son (who's not a good swimmer and kept to the "kiddy" rides) so we were on the same physical pace. My daughter (the "fish") did all the big stuff with her cousins.

It was a great time but I need to accept reality and find out what's not right inside me and healing so slowly...


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man you beter not wait to long . you beter get yourself to a dr this stuff ain't nuthin to mess around with.
<P style="__styleDocument: [object]">Good luck with the Doctor today..............</P>
<P style="__styleDocument: [object]">Rusty Anvil,,,,,,,,,,</P>